Revelation is probably the most misunderstood and neglected New Testament Book. Phillips has some good…
Read MoreThis is a letter from Guy Brown, JBP’s long-term publisher in America. I [Peter] found this in the archives JB’s wife Vera left me. It is a touching tribute:
I have saved this letter as….
A wonderful extract from Making Men Whole (p.75 -76) beautifully explaining the incredible honor and task of any communicator of the gospel. As usual, JBP brings fresh clarity and freshness to things that are easily passed over.
“The work of the pastor of human souls is…
Read MoreBelow is an excerpt from Phillip’s introduction to The New Testament in Modern English, outlining his philosophy of translation. This fascinating reading explains beautifully the difficulty of translation work in general as well as the importance of doing it in the right way and what that should look like.
We hope this sheds light for any reader of scripture…
Read MoreJ.B. Phillips started his translation work in 1941, during WWII. His first book was a translation of the epistles (the New Testament letters) and was released as Letters to Young Churches in 1952. The Young Church in Action, his translation of Acts, was released in 1955, followed by Revelation in 1957 and The Gospels in Modern English in 1958. At that point the entire New Testament was released as a combined volume called The New Testament in Modern English, also in 1958. The acronym for this, NTIME, never really caught on and this volume has become known unofficially as the Phillips Version or the Phillips New Testament.
This New Testament has been released in multiple editions of paperback and hardback, in lots of different colours and sizes. I probably have 25 different examples of these in my bookcase.
Many people do not realize that there are actually two versions of his New Testament translation…
Read MoreThe following is the introduction C.S. Lewis wrote in 1952 in J.B. Phillip’s first book - a modern translation of Paul’s New Testament letters. Lewis himself had suggested the title ‘Letters to Young Churches’. The Authorized Version mentioned several times is known today as the King James Version and was the only widely available version of scripture available at the time.
Read MoreWe live in a time of great confusion, fear, change and division. There are so many things plying for our attention. We are so busy. There is so much noise.
The idea of truth and wisdom is becoming ever more obscure. Knowing which information to listen to is becoming harder and harder. There is a deep craving for simplicity, clarity and purpose amidst the noise. It has never been more important to remember what is real, to be be confident about what is true and important.
J.B. Phillips also lived in a time of great change, uncertainty and fear. He found a way…
Read MoreJ.B. Phillips was a pioneer. His scriptural translations, which eventually extended to the whole of the New Testament and parts of the Old, were really the first popular modern translations available in the English-speaking world. It is difficult to over-emphasize the influence of these writings. He helped many millions come to a fresh …
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